Monthly Prayer and Praise
During our season of prayer and discernment, please pray for and praise with Freedom in Christ in the following ways:Revival: How it Happens Revival: an intriguing concept. Most of us have never encountered mass numbers of individuals coming to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior or anything remotely like revival. In fact, if we are honest, many of us are skeptical of large numbers of life-transforming conversions, especially through methods different than those of our experiential base. Most of us get excited if we see one or more people come to know the Lord and grow through discipleship in our entire lifetime. But is this the way that it is supposed to be? Could there be more?

Revival is biblical. Consider Ninevah, Israel, Pentecost, and the masses to which Jesus and the disciples ministered. In these few examples, the catalyst for revival differed in each case. God told Jonah to go to Ninevah and tell the people about Himself. Israel often came to revival through confession, repentance, forgiveness, worship, and the acknowledgment of God’s truth. The disciples were anointed with the Holy Spirit and had been spending a lot of time with Jesus going into Pentecost. Jesus and the disciples preached the message of salvation, ministered to the poor, and performed miracles and healings.
Are modern-day revivals started in the same way? In many ways, yes. Although cultures change and the details of how a revival unfolds differ, God works with unchanging principles that open the door for His love and power to change the land. Revival usually always involves faithful and fervent prayer, fasting, unity among Christians, confession, repentance, and forgiveness. The foundations are usually laid by a faithful few, which eventually multiplies and brings a large group of people into relationship with the Lord in ways that human effort never can. And God gets all of the glory!
Are modern-day revivals started in the same way? In many ways, yes. Although cultures change and the details of how a revival unfolds differ, God works with unchanging principles that open the door for His love and power to change the land. Revival usually always involves faithful and fervent prayer, fasting, unity among Christians, confession, repentance, and forgiveness. The foundations are usually laid by a faithful few, which eventually multiplies and brings a large group of people into relationship with the Lord in ways that human effort never can. And God gets all of the glory!
Prayer Spotlight
- Nonprofit Status FIC is continuing to work on federal and state paperwork necessary to attain nonprofit status. Please pray for efficiency and accuracy in this process.
- Outreach Please pray for all of our past and present relationships so that trust and love become the backbone and the transforming love of Jesus Christ can be clearly communicated. Pray that the Holy Spirit would empower and enlighten our communication of the gospel and woo men and women into the kingdom, in a life-transforming manner.
- Discipleship Please pray that the Holy Spirit would stir a hunger for discipleship in the men and women who pledge their allegiance to Jesus Christ and that FIC would be equipped to disciple them.
- Grant Please pray for our CEO and founder, Grant Kim: protection, provision, revelation, and intimacy with the Lord.
- Resources While FIC will not be accepting donations until we attain nonprofit status, please pray that the Lord prepares the way for an apartment in the vicinity of Haight Street and Golden Gate Park and an intern who will reside there so that a greater level of consistent ministry and outreach can occur.
- Long-Term Plans Please pray for greater vision for the future of FIC and the scope of our outreach.
- Partnerships Please pray that FIC will form partnerships with individuals, churches, or other organizations that would serve to further the purposes of the ministry. Specifically, pray that we would be able to partner with former homeless men and women whose lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ and who have a heart to evangelize and minister to men and women who are currently homeless.
- Long-term Employment Please pray for long-term solutions to present employment impediments for the homeless men and women of the Haight. Currently, drug trade makes up nearly all of the employment for the homeless in this area. Ultimately, the transforming love of Jesus clears the way so that men and women are in a position of beginning the inner work necessary to attain and commit to long-term work, dream of and construct a reality that is not based purely on survival, and learn to give back to society.
- Addictions Please pray that the transforming power of Jesus Christ break all strongholds of addiction and that those addictions can be replaced with healing, restoration, and vision for the future.
- How Can We Pray for You?
- If you need prayer, let us pray for you. Please contact us by email or by phone, and we will be glad to pray for you!
- Stay tuned for prayer events.
- Future prayer events will be posted on our news page as well as here in this box.