What Can I Do?

The best gift you can give us is prayer. We really mean that. Click on the second tab above and you'll see our prayer needs. We rely on our supporters to provide prayer support for the ministry.

Outreach Freedom in Christ ministers with church partners from around the Bay Area at the entrance of Golden Gate Park every Saturday evening. In picnic-style, we gather over low-key worship, the distribution of some food or basic needs items, and organic prayer and relationship-building with the homeless men and women who join us. In addition, Grant Kim, founder and CEO of Freedom in Christ, continues to visit San Francisco to meet individually with the young men and women in the Haight and to pray on-site in the very locations where we evangelize and hope to further our ministry. Interested in joining us? Let us know. We appreciate your continued prayers as we seek to minister with the heart of Christ to the homeless of San Francisco.


Financial Upon completion of the process of becoming 501(c)3 status certified, we welcome your tax deductible donations for the ongoing work of our ministry to the homeless.

Until then, we ask you to keep the ministry in prayer.

Material We welcome material donations such as sleeping bags and blankets, but currently cannot offer tax deductible receipts. Please contact us if you wish to contribute material donations. We ask for donations that are new or in good condition. We encourage donors to pray over and bless material donations.


Serve With Your Hands and Feet
Volunteer opportunities TBA.
Board of Directors
The board of directors serve as elders to Freedom In Christ. If you have this special calling, please contact Grant Kim or any board member.

Speaking Engagements for Your Church or Organization

FIC seeks to gain partners throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. The needs of the homeless will only be met as fellow believers with a heart for the homeless population unite. Want to know more and see how your congregation might like to get involved? Contact Grant Kim, pastor to the homeless (en route to ordination through the Presbyterian Church USA), so that He can speak to your church on Sunday morning or at one of your small groups meeting.